[Mt. Oyama] Let’s head to the main shrine of Tateyama faith

Mt. Tateyama is part of Tateyama mountain range, which is counted among one of the three sacred mountains in Japan. The summit is 3,003 meters (approx. 9850 ft) above sea level. To reach the summit, you need to take transport to Murodo Terminal and hike up the mountain trail, which takes a total of 4 hours from Dentetsu Toyama station.

What to Know and What to See Mt. Oyama

Head to the Murodo Terminal first to climb Mt. Tateyama.

Murodo Terminal is the most popular destination of Tateyama-Kurobe Alpine Route. To get to Murodo Terminal, we need to take a train, cable car and highland bus. It takes about 2 hours to get there from Dentetsu Toyama station.

Enjoy hiking in the Murodo plateau area.

It takes about 5 to 10 minutes to get to the starting point of mountain trail. In the Murodo Plateau area, we can see a variety of alpine plants, including Aleutiana japonica, Tateyama gentiana, and Aonotsugazakura. It is also fun to enjoy the view of unfamiliar plants.

Let's take a break at Ichinokoshi.

Ichinokoshi is a rest area located midway up the Tateyama hiking trail. There is a hut where we can get some food and drinks.

After Ichinokoshi the climb becomes a little more difficult.

Holding on to the surrounding rocks, we continue climbing up the steep, narrow slope to the summit. Unfortunately, this is not recommended for those who are not confident in their physical strength.

Visiting the mountaintop shrine is an experience like no other.

It takes about an hour to climb from Ichinokoshi to the summit. At the top of the mountain is the main shrine of Oyama Shrine, where you can offer a coin and receive a prayer from the priest
