[Bijodaira] A place to meet the beautiful cedar that will make your love come true

Bijodaira is the first area on Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route, which starts from Tateyama Station on the Toyama Chiho Railway. It is usually a stopover for tourists visiting Murodo and Kurobe Dam, so it doesn’t seem like there’s much to see, but it’s also a place where you can see the legendary cedar tree that is said to grant love if you pray to it.

What to Know and What to See Bijodaira

The Legend of Bijo-Sugi

According to legend, Mt. Tateyama in Toyama Prefecture was founded by Saeki Ariyori. Ariyori had a princess who was engaged to be his wife. When Ariyori climbed Mt. Tateyama, the princess chased after him, wanting to follow him, but he refused, saying, "I want to explore the mountain by myself, so please go back." Still, the princess wanted to follow him, so on the way down the mountain she found a large cedar tree and prayed to it, saying, "Beautiful cedar of the mountain, if you have a heart, please hear my secret prayer," and the two were eventually united in a happy marriage.

The cedar tree is beside Bijodaira station

Based on this legend, this cedar tree was later called "Bijo Sugi" (Beautiful Woman Cedar) and the surrounding area was given the place name "Bijodaira." It was then believed that by reciting the song sung by the princess three times in prayer, love would come true. It is a very large cedar tree. You may feel some kind of power from it, so if you don't mind, please go outside the station and pray to this large cedar.

More to offer in Bijodaira area

Another reason why I think it would be a waste to just pass through Bijodaira is that it also has a sightseeing trail. In the area around Bijodaira, you can see Tateyama cedars and virgin beech forests, and it has been selected as one of the 100 best forests in Japan for forest bathing. It is especially not to be missed by those who like trekking and hiking.
